
Reflections & Lectures

Uniting Through Our Differences

Reflection delivered by Shaykh Amin on April 8th, 2016 The differences we have within our community need not be a reason to disunite – rather, coming together despite our differences is what makes any community, a civilization. Despite our cultural, ethnic and philosophical differences, Muslims are seen by the West as one community, indivisible. This positive spin on disagreement is...

What Keeps the World Running?

Reflection delivered by Shaykh Amin on March 11th, 2016 A Muslim must understand the state of our world not by appeasing to scientific and empirical conclusions, but by understanding and adhering to ‘waḥy’ (revelation). The Prophet’s have informed us of certain beliefs and actions which are based upon Divine truth. The extent to which a Muslim embraces these truths and clings...

Invert the Paradigm of “Madad”

Reflection delivered by Shaykh Amin on February 26th, 2016 In our quest for worldly guidance and eternal salvation, seeking Divine guidance through worship and service of others must be our primary method. It has been related through a Prophetic tradition that Allah ﷻ is in the assistance of His ﷻ servant, as long as the servant is in assistance of his brother....

Isolationism: Destruction from Within

Reflection delivered by Shaykh Amin on January 8th, 2016 In this talk, Shaykh Amin implores Muslims to depart from an isolationist mindset to an altruistic one when approaching issues of the Ummah on a familial, community, national and global level. This has been our tradition. Continuing a “selfish” mentality towards the strife of Muslims will lead us down a destructive...

Accessing the Divine Channel

Reflection delivered by Shaykh Amin on December 18th, 2015 To advance individual and societal reform, a Muslim must first seek certain “ruḥānī” or spiritual measures prior to necessary worldly efforts. The Prophetic method of seeking assistance was predicated on accessing the Divine as a primary measure – if done so with sincerity and etiquette, Divine Mercy and Blessings will be...

“…Our Share is to Come…”

Reflection delivered by Shaykh Amin on December 11th, 2015 “…Our Share is to Come…”: Shaykh Amin calls attention to the Prophetic paradigm, in which is exemplified that the attainment of worldly glory is not an objective of a Muslim’s life. What makes Islam’s message universal is that the downtrodden and destitute in this world can hope that glory and luxury...

Resilience in the Face of Tribulation

Khuṭbah (sermon) delivered by Shaykh Amin on November 20th, 2015 In this khuṭbah (sermon), Shaykh Amin centers his talk around ʿAlī’s (RA) words of wisdom, “if you feel you have a hard deal, then look to those who are worse off than you”. As we see the global struggles within the Ummah today, we must express gratitude for our own situations...

Islam as a conscious choice

Khuṭbah (sermon)  delivered by Shaykh Amin on November 13th, 2015 Shaykh Amin makes a rousing call for truth-seekers to exchange their passive Islam (the Islam one is born into) for an active and living Islam that one chooses of one’s own volition. He exhorts us to exercise our God-given freedom to make this choice after heeding the message and the...

Recognizing Divine Kaifiyyah

Khuṭbah (sermon) delivered by Shaykh Amin on November 6th, 2015 When the prophet ﷺ received waḥy (revelation), he acted upon it with an unwavering conviction that Allah’s ﷻ will would be done. In doing so, he exemplified submission despite his own towering intellect. The greater the intellect, the greater the submission. Therein lays the wisdom of prophets. Shaykh Amin calls...

Observing With Nūr

Khuṭbah (sermon) delivered by Shaykh Amin on October 16th, 2015 In this khuṭbah (sermon), Shaykh Amin reinforces the notion of Qurʾānic Tafsīr (Exegesis) as a comprehensive exercise involving multi-faceted studies and analysis of any given verse. He uses verse 44 of Sūrat al-Nūr, a verse that might seem out of place, even trivila, to an untrained eye, yet holds the...

Universal Unity

Khutbah delivered by Shaykh Amin on August 21st, 2015 We are very quick to saying, “Muslims are not united,” which may be true. But where they are united, we should observe, and then bear testimony, and give Shahādah (declaration of faith) to the world: If there was a third party bystander outside, whose never seen this (Friday prayer) before in...

Selected Readings from Imām al-Bukhārī’s Book of Fasting

Lecture at MSI, Glendale Heights: Recorded on June 19, 2015 Selected Readings from Imām al-Bukhārī’s Book of Fasting Topics covered in this talk include: al-Rayyān; reflections on the merits of Suḥūr (pre-sunrise meal); seeking Laylat al-Qadr. Click to Play   or Right-click to Save
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Glendale Heights, IL 60139

Mon – Thu 8:00A.M. – 3:00P.M. CST
Fr 8:00A.M. – 12:00P.M. CST

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