Resilience in the Face of Tribulation

Khuṭbah (sermon) delivered by Shaykh Amin on November 20th, 2015

In this khuṭbah (sermon), Shaykh Amin centers his talk around ʿAlī’s (RA) words of wisdom, “if you feel you have a hard deal, then look to those who are worse off than you”. As we see the global struggles within the Ummah today, we must express gratitude for our own situations and realize the vastness of Allah’s ﷻ Mercy. Today in the West, as Islam and Muslims are disparaged, we must not indulge in self-sympathy, bury our heads in the sand and lose hope in Allah ﷻ, His Messenger ﷺ, our Ummah and ourselves. This is the time for Muslims to be resilient, and not to succumb to the pressures of society/media. As the Shaykh expressed, “if there was any time in our lives and in our history for us to cling to Allah ﷻ, it is now. If there was any time to love the Prophet ﷺ, it is now. If there was any time to promote and propagate Islam it is now. This is not the time for us to runaway.”

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