Recognizing Divine Kaifiyyah

Khuṭbah (sermon) delivered by Shaykh Amin on November 6th, 2015

When the prophet ﷺ received waḥy (revelation), he acted upon it with an unwavering conviction that Allah’s ﷻ will would be done. In doing so, he exemplified submission despite his own towering intellect. The greater the intellect, the greater the submission. Therein lays the wisdom of prophets.
Shaykh Amin calls attention in this khuṭbah to the only way forward for Muslims: to enter into an unconditional and uncompromising Islam. By doing so, we relinquish all control of the kaifiyyah (“howness”) unto Allah ﷻ, and follow the Messenger ﷺ in the same way the Messenger ﷺ followed.

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