
Reflections & Lectures

The Reality of Submission

Reflection delivered on February 10th, 2023 Darul Qasim · The Reality of Submission

Navigating Unknown – Lessons from the Hijrah

Reflection delivered on August 12th, 2022 Darul Qasim · Navigating Unknown: Lessons from the Hijrah

In the Footsteps of Ibrahim: Renewing Our Commitment to Humanity

Reflection delivered on July 8th, 2022  Darul Qasim · Huda Khutbah 07-08-2022

Not Abusing Allah’s ﷻ Gifts

Reflection delivered on June 10th, 2022  On Friday, June 10, 2022, Shaykh Amin delivered a very simple, yet poignant reminder that we must acknowledge every gift Allah ﷻ bestows upon us so that it doesn’t become a burden on us.   “We cannot live in oblivion and not acknowledge what Allah ﷻ is doing for us at this moment.”   This state...

Islam the Answer to All Problems

Reflection delivered on May 20th, 2022  Islam is the Answer to all Problems: A Response as an Ummah to the Issue of Homosexuality  In this Friday reflections, Shaykh Amin begins by discussing the mindset that must rule the Muslim psyche in order for us to not only recognize, understand, and appreciate the gifts of Islam, the Prophet ﷺ, and the...

Judgment is in Allah’s ﷻ Hands

Reflection delivered on May 13th, 2022  Darul Qasim · Judgment is in Allah’s ﷻ Hands

ʿEīd-al Fiṭr: A Token of Appreciation for Allah’s ﷻ Guidance

Eid relfection delivered on May 2nd, 2022  Synopsis: In this year’s ʿEīd-al Fiṭr khuṭbah (sermon), Shaykh Amin urges everyone to not only celebrate the completion of our fasts, but also to appreciate the guidance that Allah ﷻ gives us.  Appreciation entails action.  Muslims must express themselves with civilizational values of Islam that can be carried to the rest of the...

For The Love Of ‘Ibādah

Reflection delivered on April 22th, 2022 “The Ṣaḥābahs’ interests were their ʿibādah. They thought towards the ʾākhirah.  […]That’s how the Ummah was given Laylat al-Qadr because of the zeal of the Ṣaḥābah to worship Allah ﷻ.  Laylat al-Qadr is a gift from the Ṣaḥābah to us.” In these last ten nights, Shaykh Amin urges us to reflect upon and more...

The Communal Quest for Knowledge and Laylat al-Qadr

Reflection delivered on April 27th, 2022 On the 27th night of Ramaḍān, Shaykh Amin was the honored guest panelist for Al Balagh Academy’s Webinar: Seeking Laylat al-Qadr and Attaining the Closeness of Allah ﷻ and Love for Rasūlullah ﷺ.  Shaykh began with a call for deep reflection and understanding: “Practicing Islam itself is proof that we are connected to the...

Procuring the Collective Force of Laylat al-Qadr

Reflection delivered on April 25th, 2022 “If you want to save the world, do your ʿibādah correctly.” In these last ten nights of Ramaḍān, Shaykh Amin delivers a powerful reminder to Muslims all over the world who have increased their ʿibādah in hopes of receiving Laylat al-Qadr. As we raise our hands in prayer and recite into the late hours...

Hope and Forgiveness for the Ummah of Muhammad ﷺ

Reflection delivered on April 16th, 2022 “We must not lose hope from Allah’s ﷻ Raḥmah for the Ummah. The greatest disease in the Ummah is pessimism, losing hope. Losing hope in yourself, losing hope in the people around you, losing hope in the Ummah of Muhammad ﷺ.” On this night of Ramaḍān, Shaykh Amin reminds us that we must guard...
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Mon – Thu 8:00A.M. – 3:00P.M. CST
Fr 8:00A.M. – 12:00P.M. CST

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