Sūrah al-Fatḥ (48) Session 3


It was in the interest of the prophetic mission for the Prophet ﷺ to motivate those around him with glad tidings. In this lecture:

  • Bashārah (glad tidings)
  • Indhār (warnings)
  • a parallel in parenting
  • the underlying purpose in loving the prophet ﷺ
  • the umbrella of īmān (belief)
  • making tasbih (hymned praise) of Allah ﷻ
  • the paradoxical reason for ʿibādah (worship)
  • a different level of dhikr (remembrance of Allah ﷻ

Ḥudaybiyyah was also a victory because it brought the ability for Muslims to have more open communications with non-Muslims, which resulted in the spread of Islam. This first-hand account of Islam was important for how non-Muslims received and perceived the dīn (religion). The same applies in this country, where non-Muslims receive a distorted perception of Islam from the media.

The Prophet ﷺ was sent as a bashīr (bringer of glad tidings) to appreciate and give people glad tidings for their good deeds through his personality. You need to motivate people otherwise they’ll run away from you and hate you. He also gave the ummah bashārah for those Muslims in the future who have not seen and heard the Prophet ﷺ directly.

The Prophet ﷺ was also a warner to protect people from Jahannam, where others sometimes warn in such a way that pushes people into Jahannam because it’s not done with compassion.

As an umbrella of Īmān (faith), the greatest act is believing in Allahﷻ and His Prophet ﷺ. We need to Kabīr (exalt) Allah ﷻ by making Himﷻbigger than anything we do.

Allah ﷻ commands us to do dhikr, especially in the morning and evening. As the sun comes up and as it sets we praise Himﷻ. We need to have a personal attachment with Allahﷻ. Whomever you love is whom you will mention in the world. What do we talk about in our social gathering?