

A Himmah like Hafiz Yusuf Kholwadia’s

To all of our students, supporters and well-wishers old and new, we pray that your thirst has been quenched with the water of wahy and you have emerged energized, nourished, and revived! We end our Ramadan Series: Wahy is Water with the story of Hafiz Yusuf Kholwadia, paternal uncle of our founder and president Shaykh...
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Through Shaykh Amin’s Knowledge

In today’s installment of our Ramadan series, ‘Wahy is Water,’ Dr. Ahsan Arozullah [Darul Qasim College Board Member] shares how the ‘ālim has helped him to develop a broader and wahy-based understanding of the concepts of disease and cure.
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Distributing Wahy

He creates you in the wombs of your mothers — creation after creation — within three veils of darkness. That is God, your Lord! To Him alone belongs all the dominion.” [Quran 39:6] In today’s installment of our Ramadan series, ‘Wahy is Water,’ Dr. Deena Kishawi [OB/GYN; Al-Amin Bioethics Member] begins her piece by introducing...
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Distributing Wahy

In today’s episode of our Ramadan series, Wahy is Water, we explore these questions through the scholarship and mentorship of Darul Qasim College’s Founder and President, Shaykh Amin Kholwadia. Endless in its depth and its application, the distribution of the water of wahy takes great creativity, academic acumen, and resolve. Listen to the voices of...
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When Wahy Meets Medicine

What happens when wahy meets medicine? What can we learn from the alim that will help us become better medical professionals? In today’s installment of our Ramadan series, ‘Wahy is Water,’ Dr. Ahsan Arozullah [Darul Qasim College Board Member] explores these questions from his unique positioning as a physician, board member, and Darul Qasim Bioethics...
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Transporter of Water

Through Shaykh Amin’s training, Darul Qasim faculty center a pedagogy that instills in students the importance of disseminating Islamic knowledge in a way that positively impacts mainstream American society. In today’s segment of Wahy is Water Mawlana Atiq shares a poignant example of the effects of this sort of pedagogy in the stream of life.
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Water is Acessible

Through Shaykh Amin’s training, Darul Qasim faculty center a pedagogy that instills in students the importance of disseminating Islamic knowledge in a way that positively impacts mainstream American society. In today’s segment of Wahy is Water Mawlana Atiq shares a poignant example of the effects of this sort of pedagogy in the stream of life.
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Water is Cyclical

In today’s installment of our Ramadan series, ‘Wahy is Water,’ Mawlana Atiq Taiyab [Lecturer, Darul Qasim at Raleigh] invites us to reflect upon the cyclical nature of water and knowledge in the context of the Darul Qasim you see before you today. There is great wisdom behind Shaykh Amin Kholwadia’s approach to the distribution and...
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Moving Water

What can we learn from the movement of water about wahy and the ‘ālim? Explore this question in the latest installment of our Ramadan series, ‘Wahy is Water,’ with Dr. Muhammad Pervaiz [Faculty, Department of Humanities].
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Wahy Gives Eternal Life

How do we understand wahy as a source of eternal life? In the latest installment of our Ramadan series, ‘Wahy is Water,’ explore this question with Dr. Muhammad Stodolsky [Chair, Department of Theology] as he offers great insight.
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