Sūrah al-Hujurāt (49) Session 2


If we hear anything that would impact Muslims then we need to do due diligence and investigate. We don’t act on ẓan (presumptions). Doesn’t matter how pious the individual is or if it’s our friend. We need to be patient and not be immediately emotional. We should be process-driven, not emotion-driven. Calming down doesn’t make us cowards. It makes us just. Otherwise, we may be remorseful for what we’ve done.

“A layperson shouldn’t raise issue on a hadith being weak. Even scholars who aren’t muḥaddithūn (hadith specialists) aren’t to comment on the weakness of hadith.”

Wa’lamu anna fīkum rasūlAllah.”  The greatest of the Ṣaḥābah (the Illustrious Companions) understood that we need to understand not only what the Prophet ﷺ  has done, but how he thinks.

What does Allah want? what does Islam say?  We learn this intention from the Prophet ﷺ.

The Ṣaḥābah may have committed sins, but Allah ﷻ has forgiven them. For this reason, we don’t go back to peck at what they did wrong.

If there is any doubt regarding the veracity of a report, the no action may be taken based upon it.

In matters of knowledge, patience becomes a prerequisite.

The greater among the sahābah came to understand how the Rasūl ﷺ thinks and analyzes information. Simply being with the Rasūl ﷺ wasn’t enough; they had to exercise tremendous effort to observe and study the ways of the Rasūl ﷺ.

In this lecture:

  • validating news and information
  • the science of hadith
  • the discipline Allah ﷻ desired for the sahābah
  • the need for due diligence
  • love for Īmān as a gift from Allah ﷻ
  • the murād of the Divine, and the sincere submission of the Rasūl