The National Quran Recitation and Memorization Program

Program Overview

The civilizational code of Islamic learning has always begun with the recitation of the Qurʾān then pursuing knowledge of various Islamic sciences thereafter; all with the enthusiasm to become closer to Allah through reciting the Qurʾān then understanding it. This is at the core of the Darul Qasim Qurʾān program.

We ensure the success of all students, whether online or onsite through three core focal points:


An emphasis is placed on the documentation of weekly accomplishments, goals, and expectations from students.


The instructor and administration will consistently be in communication with parents/students, sharing short-term goals and accomplishments and answering questions and guiding students on what needs to be reviewed outside of class.


Our goal is to teach students to not only recite, but to recite with Knowledge.
To accomplish this goal, the program is designed to focus on you by offering one-on-one recitation lab classes.

The program is divided into three levels for students to meet specific milestones in their progress. The levels have been designed upon the legal scales to fulfill individual obligations (farḍ al-‘ayn) according to Islamic jurisprudence.


LEVEL I:Reading and Recitation Fluency

This program is designed for students to learn how to “read” from the muṣḥaf or have yet to recite a page in 7 minutes.

Students will be required to meet the following categorical goals of level I is as follows:

Reading: be able to recite/read a page under 7 minutes with Tajwid Level I application

Tajwid: learn level I tajwid rules within the program

Memorization: recite al-Fathihah and the last ten surahs with Tajwid Level I application

LEVEL II:Reading and Recitation Proficiency

This program is designed for students to be able to recite the Qurʾān with all the general rules of Tajwīd. Tajwīd are the concepts and rules to recite the Qurʾān in the manner it was recited by the Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu ‘alayhi wasallam, which is necessary for every Muslim.

The additional goal is to fulfill the sunnah of reciting the entire Quran to the instructor.

Students will be required to meet the following categorical goals of level I is as follows:

Reading: be able to recite/read a page within 3-5 minutes with Tajwid Level II application

Tajwid: learn level II tajwid rules within the program

Memorization: Memorize and recite the last twenty surahs with Tajwid Level II application

LEVEL III:Quran Memorization and Review

The prerequisite to the memorization of the Quran is the completion of Level II of the program or equivalent through an assessment.

Darul Qasim offers full-time online class or part-time recitation labs to support students memorizing the Quran in a structured and organized format.

Semester Dates

Fall Semester: Second week of August until the second week of December

Spring Semester: Second week of January until the second week of May (excluding Ramadan)

Summer Semester: June & July (excluding first week of July)

Note: full-time Quran memorization program dates may be different and will be provided after acceptance in the full-time program

One-on-one Recitation Lab Schedules

General schedule, based on availability:

Monday to Thursday 4pm to 6pm EST

Weekend morning/after options available if open

The days/times of class options provided by the Darul Qasim administration

Students may request general days/times that work well for them but will not be given guarantee of availability.

Full-time Quran Memorization Schedule

Fall & Spring Semesters

Monday to Thursday: 8am to 12:30pm EST

Friday: 8am to 11am EST


Tuition Schedule

Level Fee
One-day/week class $100/month
Two-days/week classes $150/month
Three-days/week classes $200/month
Four-days/week classes $250/month
Five-days/week classes $300/month
Full-time Hifz (without academics) $450/month


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