Procuring Allah’s ﷻ Maghfirah in These 10 Days

Reflection delivered on April 15th, 2022

“Maghfirah is when Allah envelopes you with His raḥmah in such a way that no one will ever detect any sin on you…even you.”

In these reflections, Shaykh Amin reminds us of the importance of the second 10 days of Ramaḍān, the days of Maghfirah.  The Prophet taught us to seek Allah’s Forgiveness at all levels, “a comprehensive and holistic Maghfirah” in this world and also in the Hereafter. “Ramaḍān facilitates this, fasting facilitates this, your Qurʾān reading facilitates this, your helping others facilitates this, your tarāwīḥ (night vigil prayers) facilitates this mode and ambience of istighfār. Where your heart should have become so soft by the 11th day that you can only think of one thing, and that is that Allah forgives you!” Maghfirah is what we should seek in Ramaḍān and it should be our only concern in this month.   

Click on the link below and listen to how each and every one of us can use these days of Maghfirah to focus on concerning ourselves with Allah’s Forgiveness, so that we will be ready to meet Laylat al-Qadr