Invest in the Prophet's ﷺ Intellectual Inheritance

At Darul Qasim, we are dedicated to providing higher education in religion, language, and culture. An easy way to double your contribution is through employee giving programs. Many corporations match employee donations to our organization.

Establish the Mawlana Anwar Shah Kashmiri Library

For centuries, libraries have served as a focal point, a place of utmost importance for scholars. Their role was to provide comprehensive access to the latest, relevant texts of the time. Scholars awaited the latest publication and translations of newly created texts, keen to further their intellectual pursuit. 

Darul Qasim plans to further this tradition with The Mawlana Anwar Shah Kashmiri Library. In a time where a simple search online can yield many sources of information, the library plays a critical role in sifting the reliable from the rest. Just as Darul Qasim straddles the divide between modern and classical scholarship, the Mawlana Anwar Shah Kashmiri Library will be a contemporary academic library geared towards classical Islamic scholarship in the modern context

This precious resource will be a constant source of inspiration and knowledge for our scholars, which in turn will benefit our community many fold. From its structure to its staffing to its contents, the Mawlana Anwar Shah Kashmiri Library reflects the perspective of Darul Qasim as not just a madrasa but a modern institution of Islamic scholarship.Given this qualification, it aims to be a perennial resource:

  • Past: Comprehensive in classical Islamic sources
  • Present: Contextually relevant, having a digital and print collection including not only monographs, books, and journals but also electronic resources.
  • Future: Tahqiq services to bring the inherited  tradition forward; presenting works from the past in the current context as the authors would have liked to see it in a modern form making past scholarship available in modern formats and building on it for the future.

Tuition Assistance

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Give up to 50% of your zakah to Darul Qasim.

Donate here or use Zelle by sending your payment to Include your email address in the memo for a receipt. Funds will be allocated and used entirely for Zakah purposes.


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Thriving Campus

Producing Islamic scholars focused on research in an academic setting, in the United States, is what sets Darul Qasim and its students apart.

registered men & women receiving an academic Islamic education
students studying in the Advanced program
students receiving an education in the Intermediate program
rigorously trained and distinguished full-time faculty staff