Living Islam in the Age of Science (05/27)

Disclaimer: All views expressed in this presentation are those of the speaker and do not necessarily represent the teachings, views, and opinions of Darul Qasim.

Living Islam in the Age of Science 

Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal | Center for Islamic Sciences

Friday, May 27th, 2022 | 8:00 PM CST

No registration required – live on YouTube & Facebook (see stream below)


It is axiomatic that we are living in the Age of Science. Yet, inherent in this characterization of our era is a certain ambiguity that hides its real impact on beliefs and practices. The ubiquitous influence of science surrounds us like the ocean water surrounds those who dive into it. Immersed in water as we are, we still have the awareness that our life is supposed to be lived on earth, not below it, and in air not in water. Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal will explore various aspects of living Islam in the age science, especially in reference to the challenges posed by scientific rationalism to fundamental Muslim beliefs about life and the cosmos.


Dr. Muzaffar Iqbal is the president of the Center for Islamic Sciences. Over the past thirty years, his research and publications have focused on three broad areas within the framework of Muslim encounter with modernity: (i) the impact of this encounter on Muslim self-understanding of their spiritual and intellectual traditions; (ii) relationship between Islam and science and the role of modern science and technology in the reshaping of the intellectual, social, and political landscape of the Muslim world; and (iii), Qur’anic studies, including Western academic studies on the Qur’an. His publications include twenty-one books and over one hundred articles, some of which have been translated into Persian, Bahasa Indonesia, Albanian, and Korean. He is the General Editor of the Integrated Encyclopedia of the Qur’an, the first English-language reference work on the Qur’an exclusively based on fourteen centuries of Muslim scholarship (see for more information).

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