ˁIlm Al-Munāẓarah (Weekly, Starting Sep 14, 2020)

Workshop on ˁIlm al-munāẓarah (Dialectic in Arabic)

Taught by Shaykh Muḥammed Stodolsky
Time: 8-9 pm Monday nights beginning with September 14 at Darul Qasim Glendale Heights Campus

This workshop will be an introduction to ˁIlm al-munāẓarah (dialectic) based on the treatise
entitled al-Waladiyyah of the Ottoman scholar Muḥammad al-Sachāqlīzādah (d. 1145/1732). As
opposed to jadal (debate), in which the aim is winning an argument of which one is already
convinced, munāẓarah (dialectic) is practice of logical discussion as employed in investigating
the validity of a definition or the truth of an argument. We will use the commentary of ˁAbd al-
Wahhāb b. Ḥusayn al-Āmidī. 


This workshop is open only to madrasah graduates, or advanced
students who have studied at least one text in logic, one text in Kalām and are fluent in reading
Arabic. For questions please contact muhammed.stodolsky@darulqasim.org.


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