Introduction to Islamic Bioethics Seminar

The seminar outlined below is NOT part of the main Darul Qasim course offering. It will not accumulate credit or show up on your transcript.

It is, however, a required prerequisite to forthcoming Islamic Bioethics courses that are still being planned and designed for a future date.


Introduction to Islamic Bioethics Seminar

Is organ donation permissible? What is the legal ruling on surrogate motherhood? What are the sources of healing from an Islamic ontological perspective? How does authority play a role in bioethics? Answers to these questions and more will be provided through didactic lectures and discussions with healthcare professionals. The goal of the course is to furnish students with an Islamic framework to approach issues of bioethics and have the tools to think Islamically within their profession. Students and professionals in fields related to healthcare—including medicine, dentistry, public health, health policy, naturopathy, health administration, clinical psychology, pharmacy, and biology—may find the most benefit from this course.

The course (IBE101) begins with a unit on the epistemological and creedal (ʿaqīdah) foundations necessary to understand Islamic Bioethics. Sessions will then cover the organization and sources of Islamic law (fiqh) along with a survey of the principles-based (uṣūlī) and objectives-based (maqāsidī) approaches to Islamic bioethics. The course continues with lectures on the concept of healing in the Islamic tradition based on verses of the Qurʾān and ḥadīths from the Book of Medicine (Kitāb al-Ṭibb) of Mishkāt al-Maṣābīḥ (a ḥadīth compilation by Imām Khaṭīb alTabrīzī from the Six Books, Musnad Aḥmad, and various others). Relevant case studies, peer-reviewed publications, and legal opinions (fatāwā) will be discussed in specified sessions.

  • 1 full year of classes
  • Students must register for the entire year
  • Students may join by Zoom
  • Students will have access to the recordings after each session


6/26/22: Building the Scaffold
– 3hr recording of the Intensive seminar on creedal foundations for Islamic bioethics and Islamic epistemology
9/11/22: Ontology and the Phases of Human Existence with Shaykh Amin Kholwadia
12:15 – 2:30 PM
Audience: Medical students, residents, fellows, attendings, and other healthcare professionals

Course Description: Intensive primer on ontology and the phases of human existence from an Islamic perspective.


  • 11:00am-12:00pm: Sunday Tafsir (Optional)
  • 12:15-1:05pm: Ontology (Lecture + Q&A)
  • 1:15pm-2:00pm: Phases of Human Existence (Lecture + Q&A) 
  • 2:00pm: Zuhr
11/27/22: Research article discussions on Authority (Wilāyah) and Surrogate Motherhood with Darul Qasim bioethicist-physicians
12:00 – 3:00pm
Wilāyah: Article
Surrogate Motherhood: ArticleFatwā
1/29/23: Law and Bioethics Theory (part 1)
12:30 – 2:30pm
Lecture: Introduction to Fiqh, Overview of Sources of Islamic Law, Taqlīd, and the Four Madhāhib with Shaykh Amin Kholwadia (1.5hr lecture + 0.5hr Q&A)
3/19/23: Law and Bioethics Theory (part 2)
12:15 – 2:15pm
Lecture: Principles-based (Uṣūli) vs. Objectives-based (Maqāsidī) Approaches to Islamic Bioethics with Shaykh Amin Kholwadia (1.5hr lecture + 0.5hr Q&A)
5/7/23: Clinical Case Studies with with Darul Qasim bioethicist-physicians
12 – 2:30pm
August 2023 (Date/Time TBD): Sources of Healing: Verses of Healing (Āyāt al-Shifāʿ) in the Quran
• al-Shuʿarāʾ [26:80]
 al-Naḥl [16:68-69]
• al-Isrāʾ [17:82]
• Yūnus [10:57]
• Fuṣṣilat [41:44]
• al-Tawbah [9:14]
September 2023 (Date/Time TBD): Sources of Healing: Hadith from Kitāb al-Ṭibb in Mishkāt al-Maṣābīḥ



Darul Qasim College
550 Regency Drive
Glendale Heights, IL 60139
Light snacks will be provided

Register for Introduction to Islamic Bioethics Seminar

  • Returning Student: $700
    New Student: $800

    (New Students will receive a recording of the seminar titled Islamic Bioethics Series: Building the Scaffold.)
  • $0.00
    When you submit this form you will be redirected to make your payment through Paypal