On behalf of all of us at Darul Qasim College, Shaykh Amin Kholwadia wishes you a Ramadān Mubārak and offers these words of wisdom and motivation on this blessed first night!
Remember Darul Qasim College in your duʿāʾ this Ramadān!
The story of water in the Qur’an provides an opportunity to better understand the relationship of wahy to every aspect of our lives and communities. The realities of water that Allah ﷻ Himself reveals to mankind and jinn provides the most beautiful metaphor for the necessity of wahy in this earthly realm.
In this 3-part lecture set, Shaykh Amin synthesizes the Prophet’s advice on how to make the most of this blessed month.
The first ten days mark the descent of Allah’s Rahmah.
The second ten mark the descent of His maghfirah.
And the last ten are deliverance from the Fire.