He creates you in the wombs of your mothers — creation after creation — within three veils of darkness. That is God, your Lord! To Him alone belongs all the dominion.” [Quran 39:6]

In today’s installment of our Ramadan series, ‘Wahy is Water,’ Dr. Deena Kishawi [OB/GYN; Al-Amin Bioethics Member] begins her piece by introducing us to the water of the womb. A water that is critical to the development of unborn fetuses. Alongside scientific evidences, Dr. Deena emphasizes the role that the alim plays in integrating a wahy based approach into her own practice as a gynecologist. Shaykh Amin has played a critical role in her own professional and spiritual development.

Support our efforts in bridging the gap between professionals and traditional scholars in showcasing how Islam adds value to every aspect of life by contributing to our $1.5 million Ramadan goal.

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Hadley Blanda
11 months ago

Your expertise is truly exceptional.

Alexander Walker
11 months ago

Your expertise shines through your words.

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