Ṣawm FAQs

General Points

What is fasting?

Legally, fasting is to abstain from: food/drink/medicine and marital relations from Fajr until Maghrib. Spiritually, fasting is to abstain from prohibited and unnecessary things.

What is “qaḍāʾ” and “kaffārah”? 

Qaḍāʾ fast: a make-up fast is required. 

Kaffārah: expiation is required in addition to the make-up. Fasting two months, and, if permanently unable, feeding 60 poor people two meals or one person two meals for 60 days.

When and when not are “qaḍāʾ” and/or “kaffārah” due? 

If any food/drink or medicine enters the throat or the stomach/intestines intentionally the fast will break and kaffārah will be due because the violation is complete and the action was deliberate. 

If any food/drink or medicine enters the throat or the stomach/intestines unintentionally, the fast will break but no kaffārah will be due because although the violation was complete, the action was not deliberate. 

If any food/drink or medicine enters the throat or the stomach/intestines forgetfully, the fast does not break. 

If a “non-food item” such as dirt enters one’s throat – even intentionally – the fast will break, but no kaffārah is due because although the action was deliberate, the violation is deficient.   





Qaḍāʾ Intentional




No effect No effect


Medical Issues

If I use an inhaler, will my fast break?

Inhalers will break the fast. If there is a medical need to use it, one will use it but will make up the fast at a later date. There is no kaffārah due in this case.

If I receive a blood transfusion or donate blood, will my fast break?

Donating blood or receiving a blood transfusion will not break the fast. 

If I receive an injection, will my fast break?

If one receives an injection, that will not break the fast. This includes the primary forms of injections: intramuscular, intradermal, subcutaneous, intraspinal, and intravenous injections.

If I receive I.V., will that break my fast?

I.V. does not break the fast.

If I am on a feeding tube, will my fast break?

Feeding tubes of any type – nasogastric, gastrostomy, and jejunostomy – will break the fast. If there is medical necessity, there will be no kaffārah due.

Do eye and/or ear drops break the fast?

Eye drops and ear drops do not break the fast. However, if there exists a perforation and the ear drop reaches the throat, the fast will break. There is no kaffārah due.

If I use a CPAP machine, will that break my fast? 

CPAP machines will break the fast if a humidifier is used. If there is no humidifier, the fast will not break. If there is a medical need, no kaffārah is due.

Do patches (transdermal) break the fast?

Patches do not break the fast. 

Persons excused from fasting 

If I am sick, am I obligated to fast?

If someone is ill such that they cannot fast, they may make up the fast at a later date. 

If someone is ill such that they cannot fast the entire month but can fast alternate days, every few days, or even during the winter time for example, they will fast whatever days they can and then simply delay and make up the other fasts when able.

If I am chronically ill and thus cannot make up my fasts at any future time, what do I do?

If someone is chronically ill – such that they cannot fast alternate days or even every few days or outside of Ramaḍān such as during the winter time when the days are short, they will pay fidyah for each day. Fidyah is equivalent to ṣadaqat al-fiṭr. This year it is ~$7 in the Chicagoland area.

If I am pregnant or breastfeeding, will I fast?

If a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, they may delay their fasts if they fear for their health or the health of their child. The mother may choose to pump milk post-ifṭār where the same fear does not exist.

 If I am traveling, must I fast?

Although a traveler is exempted from fasting it is still best for them to do so if it will not impact his health. If he chooses not to fast, he must make it up at a later date.

If one returns home, after traveling, or a woman’s cycle concludes during the day, will they “refrain” from eating for the rest of the day?

If a traveler returns home or a woman exits her period and enters ṭuhr, they will refrain from eating for the rest of the day out of respect for the sacred time, but will make up that day’s fast at a later time.

If a woman enters ḥayḍ during the day, she will not “refrain from food” for the rest of the day and make it up.


Scents and Vapor

Will smelling perfume or air freshener break my fast?

Inhaling a scent alone does not break the fast.

Generally, if someone directly inhales the visible “body” of vapor, the fast will break unless there is an excuse. For example, someone is smoking or someone deliberately inhales smoke directly from burning incense.

If I inhale vapor or smoke while cooking, will my fast break?

If someone is cooking, directly inhaling vapors will not break the fast. 

If I inhale vapor while showering will my fast break?

When showering, inhaling vapor will not break the fast.

Can I use a humidifier while fasting?

Humidifiers will not break the fast as long as one does not inhale the “visible body” of vapor directly.

What if I pass by an area filled with smoke and can’t avoid breathing it in?

If one is passing by an area that is filled with smoke etc. that is beyond their control, that will not break the fast.

Does vomiting break my fast? 

Vomiting will only break the fast if one intentionally vomits a mouthful or swallows a mouthful back down. In either case, there is no kaffārah.

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