The Mamluks taught the four Sunni Madhabs—consistently and coherently—under one roof. Such an academic endeavor has never been attempted or accomplished in the western world.

Enter MARS. Through the immense bounty of Allah , Darul Qasim College (DQC) is pleased to announce the inception of the Muslim Academic Revival Series, a one-of-a-kind program which demonstrates DQC’s continued commitment to being a pioneer in Islamic academic learning.

From a curricular standpoint, the MARS initiative will include coursework on Qur’anic Themes, Hadith, and Aqidah. Courses will be offered across four time zones, removing barriers to accessibility for a global audience that is in genuine need of the guidance, beneficial knowledge, and experience offered by faculty at DQC.

This initiative is the conception of Shaykh Mohammed Amin Kholwadia, an ʿĀlim and community thought leader who is also the founder and president of DQC. We presently find ourselves in a time where it is vital for Muslims to take seriously what Shaykh Amin refers to as the “academic imperative.” Shaykh Amin envisions the MARS initiative to be a vehicle by which the transfer of beneficial knowledge and the cultivation of academic rigor can take place in a manner which finds its roots in the premodern madrasa system. In this pursuit for more knowledge, students in the MARS initiative will find themselves better-situated to meet the needs of this place and time.

Fall 2024 Course Offerings

Full Registration is Closed
Late Registration for selected sessions, 9a and 12p, pending availability
Late Registration Deadline is September 9
Late Registration Request Form

MARS101: Introduction to Quranic Themes


Semester Date When classes are held Class duration
Sep 3 to Dec 17, 2024 Every Tuesday 90 Minutes
Available Class Times
Chicago UK Middle East Pakistan
9 AM 3 PM 6 PM 7 PM
12 PM 6 PM
8 PM

Course Instructors

Mawlana Atiq Taiyab, Mawlana Kamil Uddin, Mawlana Faraz Abdul Moid

Course Tuition

$300 (monthly installments option available)

Course Description

  • The Quran is miraculous both in form and content. Recognizing and appreciating this miracle requires an aerial view of the Quranic themes.
  • This introductory class will focus on 15 overarching Quranic themes that aid readers in understanding the true objectives of the Quran.
  • Students will grasp the initial premise of Quranic coherency that will lay the groundwork for understanding thematic commonalities and pivotal beliefs necessary for Muslims to be guided to salvation.



MARS104: Introduction to Islamic Theology


Semester Date When classes are held Class duration
Sep 5 to Dec 19, 2024 Every Thursday 90 Minutes
Available Class Times
Chicago UK Middle East Pakistan
9 AM 3 PM 6 PM 7 PM
12 PM 6 PM
8 PM

Course Instructors

Mawlana Samir Ali, Mawlana Uwais Iqbal, Dr Muhammad Stodolsky

Course Tuition

$300 (monthly installments option available)

Course Description

  • This course introduces students to the main tenets of Islamic creed while also engaging with the history and development of the academic disciplines of ‘aqidah and kalam.
  • The course also addresses modern theological trends and how a Muslim should address them merging the content they learn with the context they live in.
  • This will leave students with a confident understanding of their tenets in the modern world.



Coming in Spring 2025

Islamic Civilizational Values through Hadith

Muslims have civilizational values based on the millat (religion) of Ibrāhīm (upon him be peace) and the ummah (nation) of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).
These civilizational values are presented in this course through a selection of hadith from al-Khaṭīb al-Tibrīzī’s (d. 741/1341) hadith work Mishkāt al-Maṣābīḥ (a six-thousand plus report collection of hadith).
Students will be able to see universal values like integrity and generosity through the prism of waḥy ghayr matlūw (unrecited revelation).

Introduction to Fiqh, through the four madhabs

Fiqh is the most functional science that students of knowledge engage with. Students will have the opportunity to learn fiqh through the four Sunni madhabs taught by experienced, practicing instructors. This course is designed to teach students of each specific madhab fiqh and the basics of their ʿibādāt and muʿāmalāt.
That includes the most common and applicable questions regarding the main pillars of Islam. Subsequently, students will learn the fundamentals of marriage and divorce, financial transactions, and other relevant and practical scenarios that provides Muslims the blueprint of how to live their lives.

Fiqh course offerings include:
  • Hanafi Fiqh
  • Maliki Fiqh
  • Shafi’i Fiqh
  • Hanbali Fiqh