For questions or assistance with registration, please email
Semester Date | When classes are held | Class Duration |
January 16 to May 29, 2025 | Every Thursday | 90 Minutes |
Instructor | Chicago | UK | Dubai | Middle East | Pakistan | Malaysia |
Mawlana Muhiuddin Khan | 9:30 AM | 3:30 PM | 7:30 PM | 5:30 PM | 8:30 PM | N/A |
Mawlana Asif Uddin | 12:30 PM | 6:30 PM | N/A | 8:30 PM | N/A | N/A |
8 PM | N/A | 6 PM | N/A | 7 AM | 10 AM |
Mawlana Uwais Iqbal | 7 AM | 1 PM | 5 PM | 3 PM | 6 PM | 9 PM |
*All class times are set to central time (CT) and will reflect CT during daylight savings hours.
Required Materials/Text
Semester Date | When classes are held | Class Duration |
January 16 to May 29, 2025 | Every Thursday | 90 Minutes |
Mawlana Muhiuddin Khan
Chicago 9:30 AM
U.K. 3:30 PM
Dubai 7:30 PM
Middle East 5:30 PM
Pakistan 8:30 PM
Malaysia N/A
Mawlana Asif Uddin
Chicago 12:30 PM
U.K. 6:30 PM
Dubai N/A
Middle East 8:30 PM
Malaysia N/A
Mawlana Bilal Ali
Chicago 8 PM
U.K. N/A
Dubai 6 PM
Middle East N/A
Pakistan 7 AM
Malaysia 10 AM
Mawlana Uwais Iqbal
Chicago 7 AM
U.K. 1 PM
Dubai 5 PM
Middle East 3 PM
Pakistan 6 PM
Malaysia 9 PM
*All class times are set to central time (CT) and will reflect CT during daylight savings hours.
Required Materials/Text
Semester Date | When classes are held | Class Duration |
January 14 to May 28, 2025 | Tuesdays or Wednesdays | 90 Minutes |
Mufti Hisham
Hanafi Fiqh – MARS103-H
Mawlana Shaheer Pathan
Hanafi Fiqh – MARS103-H
Mawlana Yaqub
Shafi’i Fiqh – MARS103-Sh
Mawlana Hamzah
Maliki Fiqh – MARS103-M
Mawlana Muzzamil
Hanbali Fiqh – MARS103-Hb
Mufti Hisham Dawud
Chicago : 12:30 PM
U.K. : 6:30 PM
Dubai : N/A
Middle East : 8:30 PM
Pakistan : N/A
Malaysia : N/A
Mawlana Shaheer Pathan
Chicago : 8 PM
U.K. : N/A
Dubai : 6 AM
Middle East : N/A
Pakistan : 7 AM
Malaysia : 10 AM
Mawlana Yaqub Mikus
Chicago : 7 AM
U.K. : 1 PM
Dubai : 5 PM
Middle East : 3 PM
Pakistan : 6 PM
Malaysia : 9 PM
Mawlana Hamzah Maqbul
Chicago : 7 PM
U.K. : N/A
Dubai : N/A
Middle East : N/A
Pakistan : 6 AM
Malaysia : 9 AM
Mawlana Muzzammil Ahmed
Chicago : 12:30 PM
U.K. : 6:30 PM
Dubai : N/A
Middle East : 8:30 PM
Pakistan : N/A
Malaysia : N/A
*All class times are set to central time (CT) and will reflect CT during daylight savings hours.
Required Materials/Text
Semester Date | When classes are held | Class Duration |
January 14 to May 28, 2025 | Tuesdays or Wednesdays | 90 Minutes |
Instructor | Chicago | UK | Dubai | Middle East | Pakistan | Malaysia |
Mufti Hisham Dawood Tuesdays |
12:30 PM | 6:30 PM | N/A | 8:30 PM | N/A | N/A |
Mawlana Shaheer Pathan Wednesdays (FULL – REGISTRATION CLOSED) |
8 PM | N/A | 6 AM | N/A | 7 AM | 10 AM |
Mawlana Yaqub Mikus Wednesdays |
7 AM | 1 PM | 5 PM | 3 PM | 6 PM | 9 PM |
Mawlana Hamzah Maqbul Tuesdays |
7 PM | N/A | N/A | N/A | 6 AM | 9 AM |
Mawlana Muzzammil Ahmed Tuesdays |
12:30 PM | 6:30 PM | N/A | 8:30 PM | N/A | N/A |
*All class times are set to central time (CT) and will reflect CT during daylight savings hours.
Required Materials/Text
MARS initiative is the conception of Shaykh Mohammed Amin Kholwadia, an ʿĀlim and community thought leader who is also the founder and president of DQC. We presently find ourselves in a time where it is vital for Muslims to take seriously what Shaykh Amin refers to as the “academic imperative.” Shaykh Amin envisions the MARS initiative to be a vehicle by which the transfer of beneficial knowledge and the cultivation of academic rigor can take place in a manner which finds its roots in the premodern madrasa system. In this pursuit for more knowledge, students in the MARS initiative will find themselves better-situated to meet the needs of this place and time.
The Mamluks taught the four Sunni Madhabs—consistently and coherently—under one roof. Such an academic endeavor has never been attempted or accomplished in the western world.
Enter MARS. Through the immense bounty of Allah ﷻ, Darul Qasim College (DQC) is pleased to announce the inception of the Muslim Academic Revival Series, a one-of-a-kind program which demonstrates DQC’s continued commitment to being a pioneer in Islamic academic learning.
From a curricular standpoint, the MARS initiative will include coursework on Qur’anic Themes, Hadith, and Aqidah. Courses will be offered across four time zones, removing barriers to accessibility for a global audience that is in genuine need of the guidance, beneficial knowledge, and experience offered by faculty at DQC.
MARS104 Introduction to Islamic Theology
This course introduces students to the main tenets of Islamic creed while also engaging with the history and development of the academic disciplines of ‘aqidah and kalam.
The course also addresses modern theological trends and how a Muslim should address them merging the content they learn with the context they live in.
This class will leave students with a confident understanding of their tenets in the modern world.