Darul Qasim Scholarship Program, DFW Branch

The Darul Qasim at Dallas-Fort Worth Scholarship Program is a privately funded program to benefit the continued studies of students in the DFW region, with the expectation that these students will give back to the Darul Qasim DFW Branch and their students.

Students applying for this scholarship do so with the understanding that specific guidelines and expectations must be met. One of these expectations is that at the post completion of studies at Darul Qasim College, the scholarship recipient will return to the DFW area to share their knowledge with students in the community by teaching enrichment classes at DQ@DFW.

Only a preselected number of scholarships will be awarded each academic year.
Applicants not receiving scholarships in the current academic year may apply again next year insha’Allah.

For inquiries, contact scholarships@darulqasim.org.


  1. Complete the application form by July 1, 2024.
  2. Provide all required documentations. Applications will not be accepted without required documents. 
  3. Attend an interview with the Scholarship Committee.
  4. Enroll and be accepted as a DQC student for Fall 2024

Available Scholarships for 2024-2025

  • Shaykh al-Hind Full-Time Immersion program (covers tuition and books).
  • Intermediate Full-time Program (covers tuition and books).