During the waking hours of our lives we enjoy a certain sense of security in that the world around us makes sense. The physical laws that govern objects in motion never seem to bend. Newton’s laws of mechanics will show you not to hop on a skateboard at age fifty. The same is true with human interaction, as complex and irrational as it can be, dealing with people on a daily basis still seems to fall under some set of behavioral laws. Standing in line at Home Depot holding a bag of lump charcoal you praise a fellow shopper’s wrist watch (must be in Dallas, Texas) only to find they promptly return with a nod and a smile. Waiting in your car at an intersection you get distracted for 30 seconds not realizing the light has turned green and the guy behind you shouts some choice words for your listening pleasure. The reality of the physical universe surrounds us and whether we like the interactions or not, there is a strong sense of familiarity with the rules of engagement, the systematic display of cause and effect … and then you fall asleep.
You are in that same Home Depot looking to buy a new grill when you spot a perfect candidate on the showroom floor. You remove the…