Appreciating the Pursuit of the Scholar

“The contributions of an ʿālim are so significant that even the fish in the ocean supplicate for them!”

-Shaykh Amin Kholwadia (President & Founder of Darul Qasim College addressing this years advanced studies graduates)

This summer, Darul Qasim College awarded 12 male and female graduates their Shahada al-‘Ālimiya, a certificate symbolizing the attaining of knowledge and becoming an ʿālim or ʿālimah. This gathering is a testament to the elite level of scholarship and dedication that is being facilitated by Darul Qasim in our communities. Yet, as a community, we do not really understand or appreciate what this truly means. What does it mean to be an ʿālim or ʿālimah? Addressing graduates, their families, and faculty, Shayh Amin reminded all present that an ʿālim or ʿālimah is someone who knows how revelation relates to reality, providing guidance not only for worship, but for all aspects of life and society.    

Under the visionary leadership of Shaykh Amin Kholwadia, Darul Qasim College is positioning itself as a leading institution in producing well-rounded and deeply knowledgeable ‘ulama. Shaykh Amin’s dedication to preserving classical Islamic sciences while addressing modern challenges ensures that graduates are not only rooted in tradition but also adept at navigating the complexities of today’s world.

The Advanced Islamic Studies program at Darul Qasim College is not merely an academic journey; it represents a significant contribution to the larger academic and communal landscape. In an era where the integration of traditional Islamic scholarship with contemporary issues is paramount, this program stands as a beacon of comprehensive and rigorous education. 

The 8-9 year Dars al-Nizami curriculum equips students with a profound understanding of Islamic sciences. They engage deeply with diverse subjects such as logic, rhetoric, philosophy, and theology. Furthermore, the curriculum includes essential studies in Arabic grammar, morphology, and rhetoric (‘ilm al-Ālaat), providing the necessary tools for understanding classical texts.

A cornerstone of their education involves mastering the principles of Islamic jurisprudence (Uṣūl al-Fiqh), the methodology for authenticating and interpreting Haḍīth (Uṣūl al-Haḍīth), and the principles of Qur’anic exegesis (Uṣūl al-Tafsīr). These areas of study are critical for producing scholars who can derive legal rulings, interpret religious texts, and provide spiritual guidance grounded in sound scholarship.

Upon successful completion of this immersive educational journey, graduates are awarded the prestigious Shahadah ‘Ālimiyyah, certifying them as accomplished Islamic scholars. This qualification empowers them to serve the global Muslim community with scholarly excellence and spiritual guidance. Shaykh Amin Kholwadia’s vision for Darul Qasim College ensures that its graduates are well-prepared to address the needs of the Ummah, bridging the gap between traditional scholarship and contemporary issues.

This noteworthy accomplishment speaks volumes about the dedication of Darul Qasim College to foster a new generation of ‘ulama who are well-equipped to contribute to both academic discourse and community leadership.

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