Entering into Sukūn

When you enter into sukūn, what sort of development occurs intellectually, physically, and spiritually?  How does this sukūn shape the experiences of the students, faculty, and staff at Darul Qasim College?   How is their development as human beings given equal footing with the knowledge that is being imparted?

Darul Qasim College Registrar Ghada Ayesh , uses the Arabic word sukūn as she invites us to tour the campus through her eyes.  Sukūn is the language that she gives to this academic space, yet she also uses it as an expression of her own state of being as she “helps faculty and students in their quest for more knowledge.”

Join Ghada as she walks us through the classrooms and corridors filled with a sakīna that flows through the college like water flows downstream.  All who walk through its doors are a witness.  And now, you too are a witness.